Haley Prestwich – Top 5


I picked these five photos as my top five for the semester. I chose these photos because I feel like they all showcase the skills that I specifically learned this semester. I learned how to take landscapes, portraits, close-ups, and motion photography. They showcase my post-editing skills as well. I was able to brighten, sharpen, and make each photo better after taking them, whether in Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, or Photoshop. I think that these photos show my versatility as a photographer. I can use lighting to my advantage and create good photos with it. I think that these also show that I can capture my subjects with great detail and focus. These images show that I understand aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and all of the other aspects of photography that we’ve learned.

Haunting Hands
Reflecting Windows
Red Vest
A Charming Smirk
Soothing Waters

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